Our roster of candidates for the next Chapter election is now available!
Elections will be held by secret ballot via snail mail. Ballots will be mailed out to Chapter members in good standing as of April 1st, 2016. Ballots must be mailed back to the Chapter, postmarked no later than April 20th, 2016.
Candidates for Chair
Gillian Chesnais: Serving as a Member-at-Large of the chapter for the past one and a half years, I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside great volunteers, doing my part to make our events become reality. I am now putting forward my candidacy for the position of Chair of the Chapter to continue the work that we’ve started. In the last couple of years we have greatly improved the Chapter’s infrastructure and nurtured new and old relationships with other graphics-related organizations around the GTA. I aim to build on that with the experience I’ve gained volunteering for the past five SIGGRAPH conferences and the insights from contributing to the Chapter’s needs this past 1.5 years. I want to get to know our members, so that we may work to support them, giving them access to all the resources, talks, tools they need to achieve their goals!
Candidates for Secretary
Baktash Abdollah-shamshir-saz: It is with joy that I declare my intention to run for the position of Secretary of the Toronto ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter. Over the past several months while volunteering as webmaster, I had the pleasure of playing a productive role within the chapter while enjoying the company of all the dedicated and wonderful members involved. I believe that as Chapter Secretary I will be able to play an even bigger and more constructive role in the Chapter’s efforts for outreach and event coordination. Therefore, I hope that you will cast your vote in my favor for becoming the next Secretary of the Toronto ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter.
Candidates for Member-at-Large
Jacqueline Bermudez: Toronto ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter (TASC), through its events, shares valuable knowledge with people that are interested and have a passion for computer graphics. First, I was only part of audience at the events that TASC organizes, and now I’m one of the volunteers at this Chapter. During my experience as a volunteer in TASC, I have really enjoyed working with the team, participating in the events, learning more about the graphics industry and meeting interesting people. I would like to extend my commitment as a member of the Chapter to Member-at-Large.
I’m a Computer Scientist and I work as a Web Developer at the Toronto General Hospital. Currently, one of my main tasks at Toronto ACM SIGGRAPH is working with Social Media, Twitter and Facebook, and I’m looking forward to updating TASC’s website. Likewise, I will cooperate on tasks necessary to promote the Chapter events and attract more people to become involved in our Chapter. I hope all of you will support my enthusiasm by electing me to the committee of TASC as a Member-at-Large.